School of Business
Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Business Fundamentals
Admission Requirements: Bachelor's Degree in a Non-Business Field
Key Elements:
- This certificate satisfies Phase I MBA program requirements. Upon admission into the MBA program, students with the certificate will be able to start Phase II courses.
- Students can transfer no more than 6 credits from another institutions.
- BUS-A 201 Intro to Financial Accounting (3 credit hours)
- BUS-F 301 Financial Management (3 credit hours)
- BUS-K 302 Intro to Management Science (3 credit hours)
- BUS-M 301 Marketing Management (3 credit hours)
- BUS-Z 302 Managing and Behavior in Organizations (3 credit hours)
- ECON-E 300 Survey of Economics (3 credit hours)